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created 8.6 yupdated 7.1 y by GuideMeUpdates history (2)



Video Games

Video Games❀ 2
Video games on XBOX, PlayStation, PC, smartphone, tablet...


Health❀ 2
How to keep a good health, advice to avoid diseases or cancers, good habits to have to stay healthy!

Weather - Atmosphere - Meteorology

Weather - Atmosphere - Meteorology❀ 1
Guides about weather, weather forecasting, know more about the atmosphere, protect yourself from natural disasters...


Computers❀ 1


Websites❀ 1
Tips and tricks, guides about websites.

Food / Cooking

Food / Cooking❀ 1
How to cook food, make your own food, choose ingredients, know what to do with leftovers, know new ways to bake, learn to make typical foreign dishes...

Apps - Software

Apps - Software❀ 1
Learn how to use apps for PC, Smartphone, Tablet... Get tips and tricks for your favorite apps / software for windows, linux, andoid, apple

Coding / Programing

Coding / Programing❀ 1
Learn how to code apps, websites, video games...


Music❀ 1
Guides about music. Discover the best ways to listen to music, produce music, encode music, learn how to play an instrument...

Electronic Cigarette - eCig - Vaping

Electronic Cigarette - eCig - Vaping❀ 1
Guides to start vaping, choose an electronic cigarette, choose eLiquids / eJuice, refill, clean up your eCig...


GardeningGuides, tips and tricks about gardening.

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