i get itou
i don't get it
WTF(What The Fu***) ou
WTH(What The Hell)
OMG(oh my god!)
what's up
i will play as (...)
gamer123 joined the game
i'm ready
i'm not ready
wait for me
i'm waiting for a friend to join
wait for more people/players
switch team
i need to change my keyboard settings
i'm new to this gameou
i'm a newbie
let's go!
we will win!
game lobby
let's go
come here
stay there
stay in this housereste dans cette maison
stay behind me
get your ass here
go to the house
check the window
be more careful
protect me
cover me
watch my back
wait for me
kill him
kill themtues-les
loot the body
search the body
take this
look here
look on the floorregarde sur le sol
be careful of this guy
i told you to (...)
i told you to stay hereje t'avais dit de rester là
move your ass
sit on the chair
stand up
take the hostage
go there
go up there
go down therevas en bas
go upstairs
go downstairsdescends les escaliers
run fast!cours vite!
go to the house
they're coming back
they're running away
go to the capture point
go faster
go slowervas plus lentement
come with me
follow mesuis moi
you take the leadou
you go first
I will go first
i stay behind you
take the elevator
take the stairs
climb the ladder
drive the car
stick together
don't go alone
i'm friendly
i need help
i need a medkit
i'm bleeding
i broke my leg
i need a medicou
band aid
first aid kitou
heal me
he's healing himself
cover me while i heal
wait, i have to heal
HP(health points)
i have only 30 HP left
i had only 4 HP left when i killed him
stop shooting/
don't shoot me
go to bomb site A
defuse the bomb
i will defuse it
give me a weapon
i need a more powerful weapon
i need a better weaponj'ai besoin d'une meilleure arme
my weapon is shit
i need ammo
i'm out of ammoou
no ammo left
i'm reloading
take this weapon
trow a molotov
trow a grenadejette une grenade
fire in the hole!
rate of fire
supply drop
ammo boxou
ammo crate
laser sight
night vision
fucking door
what are you doing...
don't do that again
you guys are bad!
we own this
who's your daddy?
my grandma is better than you
i have 900+ hours on this game
you need to learn how to play this game...
kick this guy
You're a hacker
Nice hacks
i will report you
he his trolling
you lie
he's a lier
tea bag
f*** youou
fuou un peut moins vulgaire
Screw you
son of a b***
ahah get rekt
go to hell
go f*** your mom
go f*** yourselfVas te ... toi même
shut up
talk shit
gg(good game)
we are the best
it was too fast
you were lucky
we had a fucking noob with us
we didn't have time
we were awful
we messed up
we won hahaha
we detroyed you
see you later
see you later guyson se vois plus tard les gars
gamer123 disconnected
gamer123 left the gamegamer123 est sorti du jeu
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