How to make a wallpaper from a movie poster Make your own wallpaper with your favorite movie poster! In this tutorial i will show you how to make a wallpaper from any movie poster using the free software…9 y ♥ 2
How to make a custom YouTube thumbnail In this tutorial we will learn how to make a simple YouTube video thumbnail, using the free software GIMP. Here are some cool examples of custom YouTube thumbn…9 y ♥ 2
How to disable collisions between 2 objects/props Let's learn how to disable collisions between two objects/props in garry's mod! That's very useful when building things around or making custom vehicles. So yo…8.2 y ♥ 2
Comment mettre guideme en mode nuit Si vous aimez les couleurs plus sombres (particulièrement la nuit 🌙), vous pouvez mettre guideme en "Mode nuit" ! Voyons comment faire cela. ASTUCE: 🔋 Le mode…7.6 y ♥ 2
How to add someone as a friend on Steam Learn how to add people to your Steam friends list, so you can find them later on more easily, chat with them, invite them to join your game, view their profil…8.2 y ♥ 1
How to make smoke when using hand brake (+sound) Make a cool smoke effect when you are using the hand brake! 1) Prepare the thruster tool. Take the thruster tool then: ► Set Forward button to [_ SPACE _] ► S…8.2 y ♥ 1
How to open a can of Corned beef / Bully beef Corned beef (also called "Bully beef") cans are not like regular food cans. They are not round so they can't be opened with a regular can opener. But they have…7.7 y ♥ 1