Solid Snake™

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I like to play video games :)
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Solid Snake™ created a category7.5 y
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Dead By Daylight
Dead by Daylight is a horror game. The goal of the game is to escape the killer, which is played by one player. Other players play as survivors and must do things around in order to escape and save their life! Available on Steam. The game is multiplayer (1 killer vs 4 survivors).

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Solid Snake™ created a guide7.5 y
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How to add someone as a friend on Steam
Learn how to add people to your Steam friends list, so you can find them later on more easily, chat with them, invite them to join your game, view their profil…
2 steps   easy

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Solid Snake™ created a guide7.5 y
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How to disable collisions between 2 objects/props
Let's learn how to disable collisions between two objects/props in garry's mod! That's very useful when building things around or making custom vehicles. So yo…
2 steps   easy

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Solid Snake™ updated the guide7.5 y
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How to change physics gun color & laser beam color
If you don't like the default color of the physics gun and its laser beam, here is how to change these colors! 1) Open context menu. While in-game, hold [_C_]…
5 steps   easy

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Solid Snake™ updated the category7.5 y
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Make realistic cars
How to make realistic cars in garry's mod:
Add headlights, brake lights, exhausts, smoke effects...

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Solid Snake™ created a guide7.5 y
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How to remove an object
Here is how to delete an object in Garry's Mod. 1) Aim at the object. Aim at the object you want to remove. 2) Press "C". While in game, press [_C_] to bring u…
4 steps   easy

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Solid Snake™ created a guide7.5 y
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How to spawn objects
If you don't know how to spawn objects in Garry's Mod, this tutorial is for you :) 1) Look down. Aim at the floor (or where you want the object to spawn). The…
3 steps   easy

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Solid Snake™ updated the guide7.5 y
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How to fly in Garry's Mod
The cool thing about Garry's Mod is that you can fly around. This is called "No-Clip Mode". When it's enabled you can fly trough objects, buildings, floor... e…
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Solid Snake™ is now following Bob l'éponge7.5 y
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Bob l'éponge
Bonjour je suis Julien alias Bob l'éponge

Solid Snake™ created a guide7.5 y
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How to fly in Garry's Mod
The cool thing about Garry's Mod is that you can fly around. This is called "No-Clip Mode". When it's enabled you can fly trough objects, buildings, floor... e…
2 steps   easy

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Solid Snake™ created a guide7.5 y
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How to play Garry's Mod for the first time
You're a complete noob in Garry's Mod and you don't know what to do? This tutorial is for you :D You will be able to create a single player game so you can try…
3 steps   easy

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Solid Snake™ updated the category7.5 y
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Garry's Mod
Garry's Mod (GMod) is a physics / sandbox game. Users can play in maps from TF2, HL2, Counter-Strike, spawn objects, weapons, ragdolls, NPC, vehicles, create lights, paint things, customize vehicles, build things... Mods can be played like Trouble in Terrorist Town, Deathrun, DarkRP, Prop Hunt.

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Solid Snake™ likes the guide7.5 y
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How to blur out faces with gimp (pixelate)
If you need to "anonymize" an image, blur out some text (like an email address in a screenshot), protect your identity or identity of people, blur out a car li…
4 steps   easy

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Solid Snake™ updated the category and moved the category7.5 y
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Steam allows its users to buy and install video games, as well as free-to-play games. Steam is free, available on PC, Mac, and Linux. It's also a gaming community allowing its users to be friends, chat, post screenshots, write game reviews...

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Solid Snake™ updated the category7.5 y
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Video Games
Video games on XBOX, PlayStation, PC, smartphone, tablet...

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Solid Snake™ created a guide7.5 y
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How to make smoke when using hand brake (+sound)
Make a cool smoke effect when you are using the hand brake! 1) Prepare the thruster tool. Take the thruster tool then: ► Set Forward button to [_ SPACE _] ► S…
2 steps   easy

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Solid Snake™ created a guide7.5 y
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How to add car exhausts + smoke trails
Add car exhausts to your car, and smoke trails for more realism, and more fun when racing with friends! You can catch up with them more easily (especially in c…
4 steps   easy

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Solid Snake™ updated the guide and moved the guide7.5 y
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How to add brake lights (stop lamps) to a car or any vehicle
Hello guys today we will learn how to add brake lights (stop lamps) to your car! This is useful when you drive around with friends. With those lamps you can se…
14 steps   easy

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