guideme support

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guideme support created a category • from the English (English) version7.1 y
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GuideMe est une plateforme où on peut apprendre comment faire des choses, avec des guides faits par la communauté. On peut apprendre de nouvelles choses, compétences, et avoir une meilleure vie. On peut faire des requêtes. Les guides sont dans des catégories, modifiables par la communauté.

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français (French)    ❤ 1  
guideme support updated the category7.1 y
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GuideMe is a website where users can learn how to do things, with community-made guides. Everybody can learn easily new things, get new skills, and simply have a better life. If a guide is missing, users can make requests. Guides are stored in categories, which can be created by the community.

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English (English)    ❤ 1  
guideme support updated the guide7.1 y
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How to change your guideme password
A quick guide if you need to change your guideme password! STEP 1: Click "Edit" link. Click the Edit link from your profile. STEP 2: Click "Edit" button. In "p…
3 steps   easy

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guideme support changed their avatar and changed their name to guideme support7.1 y
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New avatar of guideme support
guideme support

guideme support created a guide7.6 y
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How to change your guideme password
A quick guide if you need to change your guideme password! STEP 1: Click "Edit" link. Click the Edit link from your profile. STEP 2: Click "Edit" button. In "p…
3 steps   easy

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guideme support created a category7.6 y
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GuideMe is a website where users can learn how to do things, with community-made guides. Everybody can learn easily new things, get new skills, and simply have a better life. If a guide is missing, users can make requests. Guides are stored in categories, which can be created by the community.

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English (English)    ❤ 1  
guideme support changed their username to @support7.8 y
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guideme support

guideme support is now following GuideMe8.6 y
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Free step-by-step guides, and editor to create your own guides!

guideme support added their avatar8.6 y
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New avatar of guideme support
guideme support

guideme support activated their username8.6 y
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You can now mention guideme support by writing @support !
guideme support

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