Comment ajouter des pots d'echappements + fumée Ajoutez des pots d'échappement à votre voiture, et des trainées de fumée pour plus de réalisme, et plus de fun quand on fait la courses avec des amis! Vous pou…8 y
How to add someone as a friend on Steam Learn how to add people to your Steam friends list, so you can find them later on more easily, chat with them, invite them to join your game, view their profil…8.1 y ♥ 1
How to disable collisions between 2 objects/props Let's learn how to disable collisions between two objects/props in garry's mod! That's very useful when building things around or making custom vehicles. So yo…8.1 y ♥ 2
Comment rendre votre profil Steam privé Si vous voulez cacher au publique toutes les informations vous concernant, ce tutoriel est fait pour vous. Votre profil Steam sera entièrement privé! Votre pro…8.1 y ♥ 1
How to make smoke when using hand brake (+sound) Make a cool smoke effect when you are using the hand brake! 1) Prepare the thruster tool. Take the thruster tool then: ► Set Forward button to [_ SPACE _] ► S…8.1 y ♥ 1
How to make a radial color gradient In this tutorial we will learn how to make radial color gradients using the free software gimp! 1) Take "blend tool". Click the gradient icon to take this tool…8.4 y ♥ 1
How to make a color to transparent gradient In this tutorial we will learn how to make a gradient from one color to transparent! 1) Take "Blend Tool". Take the "Blend Tool" which can make gradients, by c…8.4 y
How to make a color gradient (linear) In this tutorial we will learn how to make simple linear gradients from one color to another in Gimp! 1) Take blend tool (color gradient). Click the color grad…8.4 y