How to find a relic You must escape the island alive, with the helicopter. But the chopper won't let you get in if you don't have a relic with you. Here is how to get one! STEP 1:…7.8 y ♥ 1
How to make your first web page (HTML) This guide will allow you to create your first web page using HTML. All you need is a text editor like Windows Notepad. The goal of this guide is to allow you…7.7 y ♥ 1
How to add comments in HTML code Here is how to add comments in HTML code. Adding comments in your code can be useful to write notes for yourself or other developpers working with you, to incl…7.2 y
How to define the main language of the HTML page Learn how to define the main language of the HTML page using the lang html property. This property can be useful for the browser, search engines or for transla…7.2 y
How to hold off the infection and find a cure If you take some hits by the hupias (the monsters) you might get infected by the virus that make your screen green. If it's the case you must do certain things…7.7 y
How to define web page title in HTML Quick guide / reminder to help you to set up a title for a web page using HTML. DID YOU KNOW?: HTML title tag is used for: • Browser window / tab title • Bookm…7.7 y
Comment faire votre première page web (HTML) Ce guide vous permettra de créer votre première page web avec HTML. Tout ce que vous avez besoin est un éditeur de texte comme Bloc notes Windows. Le but de ce…7.7 y
How to make HTML headings - Header tags In HTML you can specify several types of headings. It will make the text bigger, so the text stands out, for example to display the main title of the page, tit…7.3 y
How to include CSS code into HTML code Here is how to include some CSS code directly in the HTML code. It's not recommended to do this since we can make a CSS file and link it with the HTML page, bu…7.2 y
Comment définir le titre de la page web en HTML Guide rapide / pense bête pour vous aider à définir un titre pour une page web avec HTML. LE SAVIEZ-VOUS?: La balise de titre HTML est utilisée pour : • Titre…7.7 y
Comment inclure du code CSS dans du code HTML Voici comment inclure du code CSS directement dans le code HTML. Ce n'est pas recommandé de faire cela car on peut faire un fichier CSS et le lier avec la page…7.2 y