How to make a wallpaper from a movie poster Make your own wallpaper with your favorite movie poster! In this tutorial i will show you how to make a wallpaper from any movie poster using the free software…9 y ♥ 2
How to make a custom YouTube thumbnail In this tutorial we will learn how to make a simple YouTube video thumbnail, using the free software GIMP. Here are some cool examples of custom YouTube thumbn…9 y ♥ 2
How to add someone as a friend on Steam Learn how to add people to your Steam friends list, so you can find them later on more easily, chat with them, invite them to join your game, view their profil…8.1 y ♥ 1
How to make smoke when using hand brake (+sound) Make a cool smoke effect when you are using the hand brake! 1) Prepare the thruster tool. Take the thruster tool then: ► Set Forward button to [_ SPACE _] ► S…8.2 y ♥ 1
Comment changer votre mot de passe Steam Si vous avez besoin de changer votre mot de passe de Steam, ce tutoriel vas vous montrer comment faire! [?] Pour des raisons de sécurité, il est conseillé de…8.1 y ♥ 1
How to limit Steam download speed Steam is downloading games or a game update but you need to watch something on YouTube in the meantime? You can limit the Steam download speed so you can still…9.1 y ♥ 1
How to make an animated GIF In this tutorial i will show you how to make an animated GIF using GIMP. It's really simple, GIMP will use the layers to make the animated GIF, using one layer…9.1 y ♥ 1
How to make a quick access to steam settings If you need to have a quick access to your Steam settings, this tutorial is for you. Especially if you need to frequently change a particular setting, like the…9.1 y ♥ 1
How to make a radial color gradient In this tutorial we will learn how to make radial color gradients using the free software gimp! 1) Take "blend tool". Click the gradient icon to take this tool…8.4 y ♥ 1
How to make your first web page (HTML) This guide will allow you to create your first web page using HTML. All you need is a text editor like Windows Notepad. The goal of this guide is to allow you…7.6 y ♥ 1
Comment rendre votre profil Steam privé Si vous voulez cacher au publique toutes les informations vous concernant, ce tutoriel est fait pour vous. Votre profil Steam sera entièrement privé! Votre pro…8.1 y ♥ 1
How to make your steam profile private If you want to hide all information about yourself to the public, this tutorial is for you. Your Steam profile will be entirely private! Your Steam profile can…8.7 y