AIMP is a free and lightweight music player for Windows and Android.
AIMP has many features, including an equalizer, sound effects, music library where you can organize your files, smart playlists, multiple playlists, quick search, auto computer shutdown. It also has global hotkeys (useful to control music while in game

AIMP can play .CDA .AAC .AC3 .APE .DTS .FLAC .IT .MIDI .MO3 .MOD .M4A .M4B .MP1 .MP2 .MP3 .MPC .MTM .OFR .OGG .OPUS .RMI .S3M .SPX .TAK .TTA .UMX .WAV .WMA .WV .XM .DSF and .DFF files.
AIMP can play internet radio stations too.
You can download it for free at
aimp.ruHow to install it:
Tanks to Stigmated for the avatar…