
Steam allows its users to buy and install video games, as well as free-to-play games. Steam is free, available on PC, Mac, and Linux. It's also a gaming community allowing its users to be friends, chat, post screenshots, write game reviews...

created 8.5 yupdated 7.5 y by Solid Snakeβ„’Updates history (3)



find original image used in someone's avatar #Steam

How to find original image used in someone's avatar #Steam8.3 y❀ 2 πŸ’¬ 1
● Easy
5 steps
🏬 1 thing

add someone as a friend on Steam

How to add someone as a friend on Steam7.5 y❀ 1
● Easy
2 steps
🏬 1 thing

limit Steam download speed

How to limit Steam download speed8.5 y❀ 1
● Easy
3 steps
🏬 1 thing

make a quick access to steam settings

How to make a quick access to steam settings8.4 y❀ 1
● Easy
3 steps
🏬 1 thing

make your steam profile private

How to make your steam profile private8.1 y● Easy
5 steps
🏬 1 thing

turn off ads pop-up window (steam games update news)

How to turn off ads pop-up window (steam games update news)8.2 y● Easy
3 steps
🏬 1 thing

change your steam password

How to change your steam password8.2 y● Easy
4 steps
🏬 1 thing

view most played games now on Steam

How to view most played games now on Steam6.7 y● Easy
2 steps
🏬 2 things

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@solidsnake created this category

I like to play video games :)

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