Comment démarrer sur guideme Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur guideme, ou vous ne savez pas par où commencer, ce guide est pour vous ! LE SAVIEZ-VOUS?: C'est quoi guideme? Guideme est une…8.2 y ♥ 2
How to change your player model / skin You are new to Garry's Mod and you don't know how to change your player model / skin? I'll show you how to change it! 1) Hold C then click "Player Model". Whil…8.5 y
How to make your steam profile private If you want to hide all information about yourself to the public, this tutorial is for you. Your Steam profile will be entirely private! Your Steam profile can…8.7 y
How to make a rectangle outline Learn how to make a rectangle outline in gimp! Here is the technique to do that since there is no dedicated tool for making rectangle outlines! 1) Click "Recta…8.2 y
How to add comments in HTML code Here is how to add comments in HTML code. Adding comments in your code can be useful to write notes for yourself or other developpers working with you, to incl…7.2 y
How to make smoke when using hand brake (+sound) Make a cool smoke effect when you are using the hand brake! 1) Prepare the thruster tool. Take the thruster tool then: ► Set Forward button to [_ SPACE _] ► S…8.2 y ♥ 1
How to view a Youtube video frame by frame If you watch a video on youtube, and something in the video happens too quickly and you want to view it frame by frame, or you are looking for a good frame to…7.3 y
How to draw a rounded rectangle (filled) Learn how to make a rounded rectangle in gimp! There is no dedicated tool for this, so here is how to do it! 1) Click "Rectangle Select" tool. 2) Make a rectan…8.2 y