HTML (HyperText Markup Language) allows the web browser to get the text of the web page and its markup (links, bold / italic...) along with the page structure and URLs of external ressources the browser needs to get (CSS/JS files, fonts, images, videos...)

created 7 yUpdates history (1)



make your first web page (HTML)

How to make your first web page (HTML)7 y❀ 1
● Easy
10 steps
🏬 3 things

add comments in HTML code

How to add comments in HTML code6.5 y● Easy
1 step
🏬 1 thing

define the main language of the HTML page

How to define the main language of the HTML page6.5 y● Easy
1 step
🏬 1 thing

define web page title in HTML

How to define web page title in HTML7 y● Easy
1 step
🏬 1 thing

make HTML headings - Header tags

How to make HTML headings - Header tags6.6 y● Easy
6 steps
🏬 1 thing

include CSS code into HTML code

How to include CSS code into HTML code6.5 y● Easy
1 step
🏬 2 things

define web page's description in HTML

How to define web page's description in HTML7 y● Easy
1 step
🏬 1 thing

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@richardfoulon created this category

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