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How to find original image used in someone's avatar #Steam  
In this how-to i will show you how to find the original picture used by somebody as their avatar / profile picture! This works with any picture and any Steam u…8.9 y

How to add someone as a friend on Steam  
Learn how to add people to your Steam friends list, so you can find them later on more easily, chat with them, invite them to join your game, view their profil…8.1 y

How to make your steam profile private  
If you want to hide all information about yourself to the public, this tutorial is for you. Your Steam profile will be entirely private! Your Steam profile can…8.7 y

How to turn off ads pop-up window (steam games update news)  
Sometimes steam opens a pop-up window with ads and new game releases. If you don't want to see this pop-up anymore, I'll show you how to turn it off! For those…8.8 y

How to make a rectangle outline  
Learn how to make a rectangle outline in gimp! Here is the technique to do that since there is no dedicated tool for making rectangle outlines! 1) Click "Recta…8.2 y

How to make smoke when using hand brake (+sound)  
Make a cool smoke effect when you are using the hand brake! 1) Prepare the thruster tool. Take the thruster tool then: ► Set Forward button to [_ SPACE _] ► S…8.2 y

Comment ajouter quelqu'un comme ami sur Steam  
Apprenez comment ajouter des personnes à votre liste d'amis Steam, ainsi vous pouvez les retrouver plus tard plus facilement, discuter avec eux, les inviter à…8.1 y

Comment désactiver la fenêtre pop-up (publicités Steam)  
Parfois Steam ouvre une fenêtre pop-up avec des publicités et les nouveaux jeux sortis. Si vous ne voulez plus voir cette pop up à l'avenir, je vais vous montr…8.1 y

How to draw / make a straight line (gimp)  
Today we will learn how to draw / make simple straight lines using GIMP. It's really simple to do, although it's not easy to figure out for GIMP beginners, tha…8.9 y

How to make a wallpaper from a movie poster  
Make your own wallpaper with your favorite movie poster! In this tutorial i will show you how to make a wallpaper from any movie poster using the free software…9 y

Comment changer le son de la notification Steam "ami est connecté"  
Une astuce sympa pour changer le son de la notification "ami est maintenant connecté" de Steam. Vous pouvez le remplacer par n'importe quel fichier son de votr…7.3 y

How to change the "friend is now online" Steam notification sound  
A cool trick to change the "friend is now online" notification sound of Steam. You can replace it by any sound file of your choice! STEP 1: Open Windows file e…7.3 y

How to make hard-boiled eggs  
Here is how to make hard-boiled eggs! It's really simple. STEP 1: Put a pot with water on the stove. Put some water in a pot and put it on the stove to make th…7.3 y

How to make a custom YouTube thumbnail  
In this tutorial we will learn how to make a simple YouTube video thumbnail, using the free software GIMP. Here are some cool examples of custom YouTube thumbn…9 y

How to easily make a widescreen wallpaper from a movie poster  
In this tutorial i will show you how to make a beautiful wallpaper for your widescreen (16:10) PC monitor, from a vertical (portrait) movie poster! If you try…8.6 y

Comment limiter la vitesse de téléchargement de Steam  
Steam télécharge des jeux ou des mises à jour de jeux mais vous avez besoin de regarder quelque chose sur YouTube en même temps? Vous pouvez limiter la vitesse…8.1 y

Comment voir les jeux les plus joués actuellement sur Steam  
Si vous voulez savoir quels jeux sont les plus joués en ce moment sur Steam, ce guide est pour vous. Pourquoi prendre la peine de voir les jeux les plus joués…7.3 y

How to change your steam password  
If you need to change your steam password, this tutorial will show you how! [?] For security reasons, it's recommended to change your password every 6 months!…8.8 y

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